Location | Poland |
Year | 2007 |
TTAF | 440h |
Description | Perfect condition. Perfect for cheap VFR flying. XLB version - all bulletins DONE Produced by factory |
Landings | 780 total |
Reason of sale | Other aviation project in progress |
Visual condition | 9/10 |
Engine model | Rotax-912S/100HP |
Engine TSN | 440h |
Propeller model | Michalides-3 blade composites |
Propeller TSN | 210h |
Visual condition | 10/10 |
ARC | Fresh ARC |
Condition | Ready to fly |
Owner and User | One Owner since new |
We offer this aircraft as exclusive broker - contact us for any questions |
NAV/COM | iCom IC210E - 8,33 |
Transponder | GARMIN GTX 320 |
AudioPanel | FlightCom 403mc |
GPS | GPS-MAP 296 |
Engine equipment | FLY dat Rotax |
Additonal equipment | Towing hook - never used. Plane is approved to towing gliders |
Additional information | New battery |
Additional information | After 400hrs inspection - new 2 original rotax modules in engine |
Perfect condtion |
Possibility to towing gliders |
Version with Bulletins done |
Location | Poland |
Year | 1978 |
TTAF | 8051h |
Engine TSO | 1950h |
Propeller TSO | 734h |
Location | Poland |
Year | 1973 |
TTAF | 3056h |
Engine TSO | 374h |
Propeller TSO | 543h |
Location | Poland |
Year | 2000 |
TTAF | 1138h |
Engine TSO | 134h |
Propeller TSO | 30h |
Location | Poland |
Year | 2014 |
TTAF | . |
Engine TT | . |
Propeller TT | . |
Rozwijamy się dzięki współfinansowaniu przez Unię Europejską w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia:
Osi Priorytetowej i Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia / Działania 1.2: Internacjonalizacja MŚ
Projekt UE | Projekt UE - zapytanie
2024 © Plane4You. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Realizacja: Webstep.pl